Ilha Formosa

"To the Japanese, the island was 'Takasag'. Later the Chinese name 'Taiwan' was adopted. In 1590, Linschotten, a Dutch navigator on a Portuguese vessel, sailing along the west coast of the island was so impressed with the lush beauty of the coastal plan that he located the island on the chart as 'Ilha Formosa', the Beautiful Island." Formosa, W.G. Goddard

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Location: Moscow, Idaho, United States

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Although Mom's been packed for a few days now, I just started this morning. Boy howdy, it sure can take a while! I've made lists and "To Do"s and "To Buy"s and I really hope that I don't forget anything. *yikes* There is so much to remember that I'm starting to lose it. I've been running up and downstairs between my room and the kitchen, my room and the laundry room, my room and mom's room. lol
I have three volumes of Dad's Encyclopedia Britanica in my room. One is "H" for Hong Kong, one is "T" for Taiwan, and one is "F" for Formosa. I also have the altas volume open to Taiwanese page. I've done a bit of reading out of the E.B., but mostly it has just sat on the floor. I've gotten farther through "Formosa: A Study in Chinese History". Even if I don't get very far or finish any of them, the tidbits of knowledge will help me to appreciate the culture of Taiwan that much more. And A. Melody has lots of books that she said I could borrow when I get there! Thank you! :-)
I shall say my goodbyes to all the Moscow peeps at Disputatio tomorrow. I may be in town on Saturday, but you never know who I'll see. We leave Sunday morning around 8 or 9.

Off to Xanga. *heh heh*


Blogger Sherry said...

Have lots of fun! We'll be looking forward to your updates. Mrs. M

9:13 AM  

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