Ilha Formosa

"To the Japanese, the island was 'Takasag'. Later the Chinese name 'Taiwan' was adopted. In 1590, Linschotten, a Dutch navigator on a Portuguese vessel, sailing along the west coast of the island was so impressed with the lush beauty of the coastal plan that he located the island on the chart as 'Ilha Formosa', the Beautiful Island." Formosa, W.G. Goddard

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Location: Moscow, Idaho, United States

Friday, September 29, 2006

Carrying One Another's Burdens

Thank you, all, for the prayers that were given on our behalf. Mom and I were able to nap at least three times on the plane (new record for our family!), we had no worries flying so long over so much water (there were some worries before leaving U. Bill's and A. Nonie's), we had no trouble getting through customs, and our bags were one of the first on the belt, and we were never stopped, nor questioned, nor asked to open our bags!! Yay! Praise God!!

Aunt Melody saw us when we left security and she squealed! lol She has been so glad for our visit, so thankful. At every prayer, she gives thanks for us. That makes me glad to be a tool for God's use in her life, as well as making me feel a little bad about not visiting sooner. But the Lord has opened this trip up to us in a marvelous way... so much has been laid before us!


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