Ilha Formosa

"To the Japanese, the island was 'Takasag'. Later the Chinese name 'Taiwan' was adopted. In 1590, Linschotten, a Dutch navigator on a Portuguese vessel, sailing along the west coast of the island was so impressed with the lush beauty of the coastal plan that he located the island on the chart as 'Ilha Formosa', the Beautiful Island." Formosa, W.G. Goddard

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Location: Moscow, Idaho, United States

Friday, September 29, 2006

Morrison Academy

We arrived at Morrison on Wednesday afternoon. It takes about 2 hours to reach the campus from the airport. Aunt Melody lives down "Faculty Row" which is the ally running behind the soccer field and sports tracks. There are a bunch of faculty housing on that street, some dorm housing, etc. Aunt Melody lives at the end, on the left, second floor (in case you want visit :D). She lives across the street from Jeff and Ronda Sheppard (from Moscow!). Mrs. Sheppard took Mom and I to the Folk Park on thursday and we talked a bit about Moscow, the people, and how things change. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Wednesday: was relaxing. Mom and I unpacked, showered after the trip, and tried to stay awake. At the end of this day we will have had a 33 hour day (the longest in my life!). A. Melody wouldn't let us go to bed until after dinner, so she took us out to a restaurant where we ate Teppanacky (sp?). I ate with chopsticks which Cynthia showed me how to use. I got a good start, and a pretty good dinner, and have been practising at lunches and dinners since then. After that, we went to bed!! yippee! :-)


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