Ilha Formosa

"To the Japanese, the island was 'Takasag'. Later the Chinese name 'Taiwan' was adopted. In 1590, Linschotten, a Dutch navigator on a Portuguese vessel, sailing along the west coast of the island was so impressed with the lush beauty of the coastal plan that he located the island on the chart as 'Ilha Formosa', the Beautiful Island." Formosa, W.G. Goddard

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Location: Moscow, Idaho, United States

Friday, September 29, 2006


Now remember, our Thursday was U.S. Wednesday. We are a day ahead since we crossed the *loud speaker voice* "International Date Line!"

Thursday: we slept through the night, which we are told is rare for jet lag. We went to breakfast with Mrs. Sheppard and her youngest daughter, Kealyn. We ate at Mei-0-Mei (the name of the owner). Dad, it was eggs and bacon and green chilies wrapped in a really thin tortilla like thing. Then there were pork dumplings, and we drank milk tea. It was good and creamy.

Then Mrs. Sheppard took Mom and I with Kealyn to the Folk Park. There was a big pond and big goldfish. Kealyn liked to feed the fish, but she dropped in one pelet at a time. All the fish would come swarming to where they saw the food and they would try to race each other to see who could get it first. :-) Then we had to go so she dumped the whole box in at once. The fish practically jumped out of the water, climbing over each other in their vain attempts to eat it all!! It was hilarious! Mom and I were not expeting to see that, so we gasped and started laughing!! Good times at the fish pond. ;-)
Lunch was ate at Aunt Melody's. She has three co-workers over for lunch too. they are all teachers in the music departmet. then aunt melody took us on a walking tour of "the Village", which is what the missionaries call their part of town mostly because they remember when it was a villiage. Now there are skyscrapers. :-) that was fun, although a bit intimidating I found.
We made it back to Morrison in time for Chapel. the main part of the service was a time when the highschool students could give testimonies about Spirit Week, which happened last week.
Most of the kids at Morrison are Christians, but some are not. Every year in the Fall, Morrison holds "Spirit Week" where some of the classes are cut to make room for special classes on religion, Christ, Christianity, God, etc. They have chapel every morning (where as regularly chapel is once a week) and a speaker comes in who encourages the believing students in their walk with God and the others he witnesses the gospel too. His message was especially clear, all the teachers have been saying. Anyways, the kids were able to share about their impressions from that week during chapel. It was neat for me to hear those impressions and hear how they all cared for one another. The kids either felt love for the brethren, or love for the unbelieving. They pray for one another and encourage each other to walk the life daily, lean on Christ, and be do-ers of what they believe, not only say-ers.
After that we had dinner and then ... oh, boy! Aunt Melody took Mom and I out to get our hair washed. Doesn't that sound wierd? It is a realy commong thing out here. They massage your neck and shoulder first to relax (Theresa, they use Eucalyptus oil for the massage!) and then they lather your hair with shampoo and the scrub your scalp for over 5 minutes! They you lay in a chair with your head in the sink and they rinse you hair out and add a conditioner of some sort. They also wash your face with an oil or gel at this point. Now these guys are good! No water get into your eyes, or on your shirt, not even one little soap sud. Pretty cool, huh? Then the lady dried my hair and Aunt Melody told her to style it. I have pictures of this whole episode and I'll post some when I get it all up and running.
Then we walked home, happy and relaxed to bed.


Blogger Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...

I love it!!! The "Hairwashing"! That is really funny. :-D What a great culture experience!

8:51 PM  

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